Wednesday, June 13, 2007

So I have alot of secrets... I mean alot.. messed up ones... that I don't want anyone to know about so instead of using my myspace I'm coming here... somewhere I can hide.

I'm depressed, about alot of things.
I want to be able to just break out and say what's on my mind... but I don't have the guts.
I want to be turely able to not care what anyone thinks or says about me... but that's not gonna happen.
Most of the time I try to make everyone happy.
I think about killing myself, it's not gonna happen. I don't have the guts.
I want to be able to find someone, and change myself to what they want and never have to suffer with a broken heart ever again.
I want to know that this time wasn't my fault, no matter what anyone says I still think I make it worse by being me.
I feel totally worthless and unwanted, even though I have friends that care about me.
I feel that I can't truely trust anyone because of things that have happened to me.
I'm annoying on purpose, I don't want anyone to get too close to me because everyone I've gotten close to has stabbed me in the back. I wish I could change that... I'm sorry...
I use the internet to hide, I can't deal with real people so I blog everything that's on my mind.
I'm sorry for everything I've ever done to people, I feel that I'm not worth living, that I'm just wasting precious air... that I don't belong here...
When people say things about me that aren't true and they don't even know me, I go home and cry myself to sleep.
I've never gotten drunk, done drugs, cut myself or slept with anyone(although secretly I wish I had...)
I think that switching schools is the best thing for me... but I can't tell my mom why I want to switch schools... she'll never understand.



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